PENNVEST Awards $28M of PFAS Funding, Bringing Total to $95M
On January 22, 2025, the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) announced funding awards totaling $288.2M for 39 drinking water, wastewater, and non-point source projects across 24 counties in Pennsylvania.[1] According PENNVEST’s Chairman, the awards include over $28M for “PFAS projects,” which generally consist of projects to develop new treatment infrastructure (primarily carbon treatment units or ion exchange units) designed to remove PFAS from public drinking water supplies. The awards bring PENNVEST’s total funding commitment for PFAS projects to over $95M.
PENNVEST funding for each PFAS project typically consists of a grant and a low interest loan. The grants primarily are funded by the federal Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act (IIJA), passed by Congress on November 15, 2021. The low interest loans primarily are funded by the Commonwealth’s revolving fund program, which has an annual budget of approximately $1B.
PENNVEST is expected to receive a total of approximately $200M of IIJA grant funds designated for PFAS projects between 2021 and 2026. As of the date of this post, it is unclear whether the Trump Administration will seek to pause or limit the remainder of this funding.
[1] See $288.2 Million Investment in Water Infrastructure Projects in 24 Counties | Infrastructure Investment Authority | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania